
Orbital Insight Blog

Orbital Insight analyzes mountains of geospatial data to provide real-world examples, ranging from natural disasters to economic events, that help organizations transform risk into opportunity.

Supply Chain Monitoring

In Southeast Asia’s Oil Palm Fields, Orbital Insight Teams with Unilever to Fight Deforestation

Fusing satellite imagery and IoT data sources, we build a detailed, global map of palm oil production that provides granular visibility into Unilever’s supply chain, from the commodity it purchases back to the palm oil tree from which it originates. Through these and other efforts, Unilever is developing approaches to sustainable production that could benefit the entire industry.

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Supply Chain Monitoring

Do you recognize the top 7 trends shaping supply chain management in 2021 and beyond? (Part 2)

Did you know that transnational supply chains represent 80% of global trade, touching a significant part of our daily lives? Are you aware that supply chains are the foundation on which all commercial and public sector operations depend? A disruption in the supply chain results in chaos everywhere, from the production line to the retail shop and the breakfast table! No surprise that supply chain management has become a pressing issue for CEOs at companies across industries of all sizes as well as military and defense organizations. In the first part of this two-part blog series, we discussed the top three trends - Visibility, Resilience, and Hyperconnectivity-shaping supply chain practices. In this second blog, we review the remaining four trends that will make a difference for years to come:

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Supply Chain Monitoring

Do you recognize the top 7 trends shaping supply chain management in 2021 and beyond? (Part 1)

Whether you are looking for high-performance computing servers, new energy-efficient appliances, or the latest model of your favorite car brand, you may be aware of the increasing demand and tight supply situation. Out-of-stock items, limited inventory, and high prices have become a norm. For example, used cars prices are up 30% from a year ago. The global shortage of semiconductor chips has had cascading effects on the availability of industrial and consumer products. The trickle-down effects of the Covid-19 outbreaks have brought supply chains into the limelight. The executive teams at multinational companies are laser focussed on supply chains, chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) have the budget and mandate to transform operations. In this two-part blog, we look at some of the trends that are influencing supply chain management:

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